Mourning to Dancing

This blog serves as a way to share my heart after losing the one I loved, Jody Moreing Frankfurt, to lung cancer. My hope is that as I learn to mourn her loss, that I will glorify God. Thank you for reading this blog! Please feel free to comment - it is a tremendous encouragement to me.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why I Love Annie and Mia, in no particular order.

1. They send me scriptures all the time. Always at the right time.

2. They memorize God's word.

3. They remind me of everything beautiful about their sister.

4. They are true worshippers.

5. They know how to make nachos, and when to make them.

6. Each is wonderfully artistic and shares their gifts with the body of Christ.

7. They are both dedicated moms and wives who have excelled.

I am certain that the Moreing girls are a gift from God Himself; and it humbles me just to think how blessed I am to know them.