The Human Side Of Things
Each day without Jody is harder. Nothing has changed with God, or my love for Him. Nothing has changed as far as my joy knowing that Jody is in bliss with her Savior, where I will be one day.
The hard part is that there is no sweet, intimate friend for me to talk to, and it really hurts. The house is so quiet at night. I miss her perfume. I miss her green eyes and red lips. I miss listening to her pray. I miss our talks. I miss our worship times. I miss our walks. I miss co-laboring in ministry. I miss everything about her.
And yet, I know that God wanted her with Him and that this circumstance is designed. I can't see what the future holds - but God can. I also know that God is good, and blesses those that trust Him. Help me, dear Lord.
Thank you for praying!
Matt. 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
This blog is so raw! He is the only one that can comfort, He is the only on that can heal. He is the only one that gives joy in the midst of grief. We can only pray, which we resolve to be faithful!
We love you, John and Helen
Oh, my brother, we all ache for you! Your loss seems so unfair. But you know as well as anyone that God, in time, will heal the wound in your heart, and better yet you (and all of us) will one day be reunited with dear Jody in a state of pure, unadulterated bliss! For now, keep the faith (of course you will!) and keep on sharing Christ's love with all you meet. You are a remarkable man and a remarkable witness to the power of God to transform lives.
I love you, my brother! Call me soon and let's share a meal!
Brother Bill
Thank you for your vulnerable transparency.
Like everyone else says, the best thing we can do for you is to pray. Hugs and kisses and tears and shoulders to cry on are great, but ultimately only the Lord can truly comfort us and grant us the peace that surpasses all comprehension. That is my prayer for you tonight, that this peace would continue to make itself strongly evident in your life and in your soul.
My heart truly aches with you Scott, but I look forward to all that the Lord will continue to do in you and through you as you continue to "grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 3:18).
And you have a great network of friends and family, but if you ever feel like hanging out with some random person, you just let me know ;).
For His Glory,
My bro-
You have such a valuable ministry right now. God is using you to help the rest of us see what matters and what doesn't.
And so much doesn't. God help us to let go of it and go hard after Him.
To God be the glory, pedal to the metal, and take no prisoners.
Scott, constantly thinking and praying for you...
if you have some time, these are three great sermons on escatalogical view on suffering and life that Pastor McDougall had taught...
Sermon #32: A Joy-Filled Eschatological Faith-Driven Life (Jam 1:1-12) -- 1Peter #6
Sermon #33: An Eschatological Outlook on Suffering (1Pe 1:5-9) -- 1 Peter #5
Sermon #38: A Truly Eschatologically Shaped Life (1Pe 1:1-5) -- 1 Peter #3
Take care scott and hope to see you when we get back!
Amen! To brother Andy's comment.
Everything reminds me of her. I cannot imagine what you are going through. Ps.55:17. I have been reading Hebrews 11 and I think By Faith Scott...gets up every morning.
The title of this blog is sooo appropriate.
With all love,tears & DEEP admiration,I pray for you.
I am so blessed by all the love shown here. I ask Him to bless you all - and I know He is faithful to do good to His children.
Hey Scotty,
You have been on my heart so much today! I am praying that it is a great day for you and that it is full of joy as you continue to worship our King! Can't wait to talk to you. Bud and Nathan love you too!:)
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