Springs in Zion, God's Friday
(From a letter to a friend of mine... 3-5-07...)
I was worshipping in Ps. 87 this morning, a treasure about Jerusalem and God's pleasure in Her, and how Her enemy nations Rahab (Egypt) and Babylon will one day worship Him in Zion(!) and my eyes locked onto the last verse... (NKJV)
Ps. 87.7 Both the singers and the players on instruments say, "All my springs are in You".
I learned (from my pastor's notes) that "springs" is a metaphor for the source of joyful blessings.... especially eternal salvation, including the death and resurrection of Christ, which is rooted in Jerusalem; finally that the prophets tell of a literal fountain flowing from the temple in Jerusalem which will water the surrounding land...
(Joel 3:18 And it will come about in that day That the mountains will drip with sweet wine, And the hills will flow with milk, And all the brooks of Judah will flow with water; And a spring will go out from the house of the LORD, To water the valley... Ezek. 47:1-12... etc.)
But the Lord planted the thought in my heart that you (singer) and I (player of instruments) have a wonderful and sobering opportunity to bless the Lord this Easter weekend by responding, living, thinking, acting, and *worshipping* in such a way that reflects "our springs" in Him!
Oh Lord! Thank you for your magnificent plan - to die a wretched death - and then conquer it with triumph - that we might partake in everlasting life with You! All praise to you! The highest we can render is not enough!! Alleluia to the Lamb! Glory to the *Lion* of Judah!!