Transition II
God has certainly been active in my life as of late. Many things are changing. My mourning heart has healed to a great extent. Scars are inevitable, and I am grateful because Christ is my Captain and He has sustained me - just as He promises throughout His Word. I find Him utterly faithful.
My memories of Jody have morphed into opportunities to thank and praise God for her wonderful life - and the intimate, creative life we shared. The daggers in my heart are not nearly as sharp or as frequent. Progress is slow but steady as I process her things in the house. Again, I thank God for His tender mercies.
Frankly, the unexpected part in all of this is that - along with all the amazing ministry I have been the recipient of - as a result of the body of Christ reaching out to me - is that I have experienced some odd struggles. I've made mistakes that I could not have imagined I would make! The grace of God is particularly sweet when mud gets on your shoes. How I thank my Lord for providing grace that is greater than all my sin!
Let the widower beware - you will experience various struggles! Struggles with friends; struggles with Church folk; struggles with rumors; struggles with those that would be well meaning, but completely unhelpful. I've learned so very much - but at great cost - yet my heart echoes Job 13:15 - Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. I am thankful for the growth and the humbling adversity brings. At the end of the day, it is comforting to know that I ultimately answer to Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Judge, my Father, my Abba. Christ never, ever disappoints!
He knows.
I will transition this blog into "Dancing" more and more because that is truly what is happening in my life despite all the odd struggles. I'm thinking about closing this one out and starting a new blog altogether as I think this one has served it's purpose. I wanted to document the process God has brought me through with the hope that it might benefit someone else in a similar boat. To whoever is still reading this, and praying for me - Thank You form the bottom of my heart. Profound thanks to all of those faithful, loyal, prayerful friends - the "true blue" ones! You know who you are, and I praise God for you.
So why all the "dancing"? Stay tuned! Her name is Sharon :-) and the only thing to say at this moment is that I am certain God dropped her out of heaven and in to my life! ;-)
More to come!
Psa. 30:11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness.
Hi Scott,
Praise the Lord for the chapters of your life that you have lived, and the new ones yet to be written.
As you have stated, Christ never disappoints.
Dear Scott,
We all feel the loss of Jody and her love, and at the most unpredictable times. She was such an integral part of all of our lives. It is such a blessing to see her ministry continue through prayer and worship fellowships and sermons. I will always be grateful to her for the major way the Lord worked through her and granted salvation to me. She and many others never gave up in their prayers. I can't wait to see her in heaven!!!!
Our Lord alone knows the deep heart and sees our very souls. He knows when we have struggled enough, through the very deep and even the odd struggles.
As much as I loved her, I am blessed to see a "Transition" time come at last for you.
The Lord is in charge of our lives. Isn't that wonderful????
Pretty soon it will be two years since all of our lives were put "on hold." You have been SEVERELY tested by our Lord.
I can't wait for the "dancing" part!!
In keeping with mourning with mourners, and rejoicing:
Ps: 103
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits;
Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases;
Who redeems your life from the pit,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
Who satisfies your years with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.
Scott, please let me know if and when you start a new blog. Enjoy this time of almost-dancing.
Praise the Lord. He alone is good. His mercy alone satisfies and comforts the broken heart. His love endures forever.
Bless you, brother Scott. I hope you have a happier thanksgiving this year.
Hey Mr. Frankfurt...
funny, I bet I'm the only one that calls you that on here :P. I just wanted to let you know that we think of you often, read your posts, pray for you and remember the fun times we had with you in different places all over the world! I can't wait to see you again (Lord willing this summer when I start college)! I will keep you in my prayers. Your little sister in Christ,
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