The Last Post of 2006
I praise You with tears, YHWH, for the reality that my wife is in Heaven with you, because you provided the glorious gospel, the Word made flesh - even the incarnate Christ, who suffered and died on a cross to save her soul, and who conquered death that she may live forever in joy and perfection with you. By the same faith, I will see her again - Hallelujah - I exalt you Lord.
Thank you, my God, for breaking me into bits in 2006. Please, for the sake of Jesus Great Name, help me see and savor Him, my King Jesus, more and more everyday. I am undone and need your help.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your mercy and for using Jody's death to soften my heart for you. Come quickly Lord - take me out of here - or be pleased to use me in a way that truly advances your agenda - that men and women would be saved, and that believers would be built up, strengthened, and led in true worship.
You, most exalted Lord, are all I want, all I need, all I have, and all I desire.
In your most high, most exalted, most holy Name, amen.
Amazing, isn't it... that God can (and does) use the hardest things in this life to bring the most praise and worship to Him.
I am so blessed by your testimony and softened heart.
I'm praying for you today. That God would allow you to feel peace and that in your times of sadness, you would be able to recall the promises of God. You have been such an encouragement to all who read this and know that you are constantly in people's prayers. Keep on.
I love you Uncle Scott
Brother Scotty,
I read your thoughts about the end of 2006..I KNOW that He is using you to deepen my worship...I may never pick up my guitar or sit behind a piano again, but He has used YOU and Jode to make my life an offering of worship. It is hard to put into words, but I think you know what I mean.
Even in the midst of what God has allowed in our family this year, I find other's lives have been profoundly impacted, challenged and changed. Not because of who I am or who Annie is, but because of how His strength got us through and continues to carry us.
Life will never be the same, but I want to be more like the Savior and I thank you for your servant's heart that has inspired me to hang in there and trust Him even when I don't like the road he's called me to walk at times.
Know this: Annie and I lift you before the throne every day in our prayers.
I love you, bro
Through my BSF study this week I ended up in 2 Cor. 6:1-10 and thought I would pass along some of the verses there that the Spirit allowed to jump out at me in thinking about our suffering and how rich our inheritance of grace is,in Christ.
~(we are)"giving no cause for offense in anything, in order that the ministry not be discredited, but in everything COMMENDING OURSELVES AS SERVANTS OF GOD, in MUCH endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses, in beatings, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in hunger, in purity, in knowledge, in patience, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in genuine love, in the word of truth, in the POWER of God; by the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left, by glory and dishonor, by evil report and good report; regarded as deceivers and YET true; as unknown YET well-known, as dying YET BEHOLD WE LIVE; as punished YET not put to death, as sorrowful YET ALWAYS REJOICING, as poor YET making many rich, as having nothing YET POSSESSING ALL THINGS."
I've read that over and over and it just strikes me how complete the grace of God is in our lives that as we commend ourselves to Him (from Websters: to entrust; give in charge; deliver with confidence to) that He then uses EVERY experience of our lives both "good" and "bad" for His VICTORIOUS purposes!
I know you know these things, and your postings reveal your submissive heart to where the Lord has asked you to be right now. I don't want to imply otherwise... just want to remind you as the Holy Spirit reminded me this morning that we possess ALL THINGS in Christ and by God's grace we are the Victors, with Him.
Because of that Grace,
another Cheryl in San Diego
Praise the Lord and amen, "another Cheryl in SD." I will be spending some time with 2 Cor. 6:1-10 as a result of your post. His word speaks to our condition on so many levels. And the Lord never ceases to amaze me, how He uses us to bless us. Personally I thank you for being faithful to post. May God be further praised.
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Heb.4:12
Blessings to you, Scott. We, my husband, and our Bible Study group continue to hold you in prayer as you go through the valleys.
Love in Christ.
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